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May 3, 2020

Parental involvement in their children’s education is a critical factor for success, yet many don’t know how to best accomplish this. Most parents are invested in their child’s academic career, but don’t necessarily know the most effective strategies to advocate

May 3, 2020

Understanding the Label Parents and other adults who interact regularly with children and teenagers throw around the word “lazy” so often that I think we have collectively forgotten what the word means and connotes to those whom we label as

May 3, 2020

Parents and educators sometimes forget that games are some of the best teaching tools that exist. While no widely agreed-upon definition of game exists, to me a “game”, in its most primitive form, is a teaching tool. Ancient societies used

May 3, 2020

Self-advocacy is a hot topic in education right now. Self-advocacy consists of being empowered to speak and communicate effectively about one’s needs and being able to achieve one’s desired outcome. The term, “self-advocacy”, has long been associated with students who