Hiring an advocate enables you to get the most for your child from your school district if your child has an IEP, a 504 plan, or is going through the process to obtain either. Effective advocacy requires comprehensive knowledge of the public school system, state and Federal laws, educational best practices, legal precedent, and effective communication techniques. Alex provides professional and expert non-attorney advocacy services to families and clients throughout Westchester, Fairfield, Putnam, and other districts in New York and Connecticut.
How to know if you need an educational advocate?
- If the school district is non compliant with your child’s IEP or 504 plan.
- If the school district will not evaluate your child for special education services despite one or more requests.
- If your child is working below grade level in reading, writing, or math
- If your child has autism or a developmental disorder and is not being provided with adequate services or supports.
- If your child is experiencing mental health challenges, including depression and/or anxiety, which is impacting his or her schooling.
- If your child has a chronic or acute health condition which necessitates special accommodations or considerations Accommodations and Services.
- If your child engages in school refusal on a regular basis.
- Educating Parents On How to Advocate for Their Children
- If you have brought any concern to the district about your child and have been ignored or dismissed.
- If your child is experiencing behavioral problems in his or her current placement.
- If your child needs supplementary services or supports, such as a 1:1 aide, which the district refuses to provide.